/manager/Index en-au 5 Experimental evaluation of Euler series /manager/Repository/uon:14064 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:22:33 AEDT ]]> The Erdős-Moser equation 1k + 2k + ··· +(m-1)k revisited using continued fractions /manager/Repository/uon:11941 109.3·10⁶. This was the current best result and proved using a method due to L. Moser (1953). This approach cannot be improved to reach the benchmark m>1010⁷. Here we achieve m>1010⁹ by showing that 2k/(2m-3) is a convergent of log 2 and making an extensive continued fraction digits calculation of (log 2)/N, with N an appropriate integer. This method is very different from that of Moser. Indeed, our result seems to give one of very few instances where a large scale computation of a numerical constant has an application.]]> Mon 18 Mar 2019 11:43:13 AEDT ]]>